Saturday, January 14, 2012

9 months

December 15th

Wallace turned nine months on December 15th. NINE months! I'm happy, though, because that is a perfect first Christmas age! Look at this cutie!!

This month Wallace got his first tooth! He finally made it to the Dr. after I missed his other check ups. (Oops!) His pediatrician was worried about his size. Apparently he is off the charts small. Solution, give him bottles and stop breastfeeding him at night. 
I'm not kidding.

Here's a little behind the scenes action for ya! My kid looks great huh? He's dressed like that all of the time. And look, he so happy, perfectly posed in front of out quaint little family Christmas tree.

Here we go, folks.
We got the fail to stand up shot...
 ...distract with the dancin' Santa shot...
 ...and the half nude child wanting to pass out presents in the background shot.

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