Yesterday was our sixth wedding anniversary! What a long way we've come!
Our one year anniversary was a weekend camping trip followed by a swanky hotel stay on the Riverwalk in San Antonio. There were gifts to be opened, a wedding cake tier to be eaten and romance galore!!
The next three of our anniversaries were the most important, thought about, planned out days of the month of November. We always watched our wedding video after coming home from some delightfully romantic evening out. The world stopped spinning and
everyone, even complete strangers on the street, knew that the eighth of November was our special day. Right? :)
Of course last year our fifth was only a few weeks after I had Coen. I had a new baby at home, I was still trying to figure out breastfeeding and I was chock full of crazy new mommy hormones and emotions. In addition I was still trying to master walking upright and wearing pants after the c-section. That night was hard. We left Coen with my parents and I was away from him for the first time ever. We make a very quick drive to Fort Worth and ate at the nearest restaurant from I-20, Razzoo's. I spent the whole diner trying to focus on talking to Daniel and not thinking about my baby, Daniel spent the whole night asking me if I was OK and my milk dropped twice. Needless to say we ate fast. We might have watched our wedding video, if we could find it.
This year though....this year was different. Coen is a big boy now, and Gramps and Grammy have kept him numerous times. He got dropped off the five thirty. :) Daniel made us a reservation at Michaels at 7:00. Michaels is a swanky little restaurant and bar in the seventh street district. (I've wanted to eat there for the past three years, ever since Daniel and I volunteered at a Christmas C.F. benefit there.) We sat at a cozy little booth by the fireplace and surveyed the menu. The prices reflected the quality of the food. Everything at the benefit was amazingly delicious. I couldn't help but want everything on the menu. Fortunately Daniel agreed to order the new special, a five course meal! Whoa buddy! I'll spare you the details so you won't drool on your keyboard.....oh, what the heck! First course was a carrot and parsley cream soup, second was a surf and turf of lamb and scallop, third was pasta and salad, fourth was halibut with some type of olive paste and the finale was peppered beef tenderloin with asparagus and their scallop potatoes, of which they are famous for. We ate
everything. I would have licked my dishes had we not been in public!! Daniel and I left heavy in the tummy, lighter in the pocket and happy all over!! Although neither of us had anything alcoholic to drink, we both said that we felt intoxicated from the wonderful food. Best dining experience EVER. I highly recommend. We headed straight home and picked Coen up around 10:30. Yeah, we ate for three hours!!! HAHA! He was sleeping soundly and never woke up the whole transfer home to his bed. Best night ever. Best anniversary ever. Best husband ever. Love love.
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