Soooo, Coen was an OCTOPUS! A blue octopus to be specific! See?
I got this idea from a magazine and, yes, I made it. It was SUPER hard to cut....and tape.....and, OK, yeah it was a cinch. I thought it turned out cute though. It even looks cute on Julie!
We spent Friday evening at Mom and Dad's house eating food and carving pumpkins. Becky and Jamie came home and so we all got to hang out! Hooray! We watched The Great Pumpkin, of course, and carved Jack-O-Lanterns!
We spent Saturday out and about during the day and home at night. We had a WONDERFUL lunch at Rio Mambo and ate outside on the patio because the weather was beautiful. Coen loves Mexican food!!
super cute octopus!!
Thanks Emily! I loved your "Lil Stinker" too! So cute!
very cute.
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