Friday, December 30, 2011

Halloween 2011

October 31st

I'm tempted to justify our Halloween festivities because...well, I'm not quite sure why actually. I'm not going to. I understand that a lot of people have a problem with Halloween. I don't like a LOT of things about Halloween. To us, however, it's just another reason to get together as a family. So we did.

I bought the boys goodies for Halloween morning. Just some little treats from the dollar section at Target.

 Goodie goodies!!

We had special waffles with raspberries and fresh whipped cream. YUM!

The squishy spider was a big hit. ;) BOYS!

We also spent some time at mom and dad's, carving pumpkins, watching movies and eating of course!
 Check it out, my sis freehanded that spooky tree!
 Coen was a sellp walking, candy eating conductor.
 Wallace was a lion.
 Guacamole and Halloween chips! Coen's favorite!
 New baby Wyatt, all dressed up as the cutest little monster ever!
Halloween jammies to boot! What a fun day!

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