A long time ago, when my mom first started homeschooling me and my sisters, we met the McGaughs. Emily, who was a little bit older than me, Erin, who was Julie's age, and their new baby brother, Matthew. "Thewy" they called him. Our moms became instant friends and all of us kids hit it off great! We spent countless hours playing with the girls. Birthdays, PuttPutt Golf, movies and the slumber parties? OH the slumber parties!!
Like most friendships, things faded after a few years. My family moved to a new town and Emily and Erin began attending private school. It was harder and harder to keep in touch. Occasionally we would run into each other at the mall, then Emily got married and Daniel and I (newly engaged) attended the wedding.
About five years ago Daniel and I started going to a new church. We joined up after sever months of scoping the place out and then who should turn up? Emily (McGaugh) Shaw. Emily Shaw with a baby on her hip and plans for a second! Goodness how time had flown by! It took us a while to get around to really re-connecting, but boy have we! Our boys play so well together and our husbands have so much in common! It's so nice to have my old friend back!!
This past week Emily treated the boys and I to a trip to the museum . A place we went together as kids! Such fun!!
Big Dino! It's kind of a running joke between Em and I. When Jurassic Park showed in the theaters my parents took us all to see it. Scared us all half to death. Her oldest son is obsessed with dinosaurs! Coen doesn't really know what to think.
After two boys, Emily was blessed with a baby girl! What a beauty!
Coen has been all about the trains lately, so he spent almost ALL of his time at this station.
Of course the water station was a huge hit! Especially on a hot day.
Shaw girls!
Together again!! Yay!!
And you didn't even mention seeing your friend, Sarah?!! Kidding, of course. I didn't know you guys are old friends. How fun!
Ha! Yes! We ran into my rockin awesome new friend Sarah! ;)
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