Well, I thought it would take little more than half a week to convince me, but it didn't. Three days into trying the OCM I have already received complements on my skin, (Hoorah!) so, I thought I would share the wealth!
If you haven't heard about it, the oil cleansing method is a way to clean your face using oil! YIKES! I know. I felt my face turning into a pizza when I first read about it. However, because I couldn't get past the truth of the basic scientific principal that "oil dissolves oil" I knew I had to give it a try.
Quick skin history, because I know you are all so very interested....
Over the past couple of years my skin has been fairly easy to care for. I think that's because I stuck with ONE product and I nailed down a system. I washed my face with Cetaphil and applied Cetaphil moisturizer. I learned that this "milky" textured cleanser washed off of my skin better which prevented clogged pores. My skin was also very dry and if I didn't apply moisturizer almost immediately it would start to get tight and flaky. If I ever got a blemish I used a spot on treatment.
I knew that these regular soaps and cleansers were stripping my skin of it's natural oils, as well as leaving behind a film of soap scum and chemicals and other junk. To combat the problem I applied a lotion, which usually left my skin feeling bogged down.
Enter OCM.
Our skin secretes oil to keep it soft and hydrated and to unclog any impurities from our pores, keeping our skin clean and blemish free.
OK, so I made a mixture of three parts olive oil (3t.)and one part castor oil (1t.)with a few drops of tea tree oil (2 drops) to fight any bacteria.
At night I rub the oils all over my face skipping the skin around my eyes. Then I either hop in the shower for a quick steam, or I steam my face over the sink for about a minute. After that I rinse my skin with warm water being careful to only rinse off the excess oil, I don't want my skin to be oil free, and pat dry with a clean towel! This removes my make up as well! I wash my eye make up off with water or I use an oil based eye make up remover. The first night I did this I was pleasantly surprised at how soft my skin felt. It also felt clean, refreshed and not greasy at all!
In the morning I splash my face with water and apply this witch hazel toner, which I LOVE.
My skin looks more tone and blemish free!! It also feels amazing and I haven't had to used moisturizer once, which is a miracle!! Give it a try! For more information about the OCM you can click here.
Ok, I have an observation and a comment.
Observation: I must really trust you because I read this and went out last night to get all of the stuff an use this on my face (which I did use). Then I stoped and thought "Amy told me to rub olive oil on my face... and I didnt even blink an eye" Olive oil. Weird! lol
Comment: LOVED it! Really excited to see how my face looks in a week. Since I started this whole stupid running thing the only thing I have to show for it is a face full of acne (not weight loss...acne... go figure!). Nothing was helping! I am very hopeful!
Thanks Amy!
HAHAHA! Katie! That's so funny! I'm glad you're giving it a try! I had an existing blemish before I started this whole thing and I spot treated it with a little tea tree oil on a wet cotton ball. It's quite pungent, and you want to be sure it's on a wet cotton ball, but the zit was gone in the morning! If you have any problems, maybe try that to clear up any existing blemishes.
Doesn't it make your skin feel great though? Hope it works out!! Let me know!
I got all the stuff too! Just can't find the witch hazel... I haven't tried it yet but Jonathan was giving me weird looks when I gave him the shopping list and told him I was going to put it on my face! :)
Steph- You'll love it I promise!!
Amy - I mixed it all together and drank it down. When will my skin start to clear up, I hope soon because my stomach really hurts.... maybe I need to read the rest of your post.
HAHA! Ohmyword. Try a shot of tequila. That usually makes everything better.
HI Amy, first time on your blog. I like natural cleansers. Will have to try this one-maybe?!
Amy, This looks like something I will have to try for myself and my daughter. She is a pre-teen and has been hit hard with acne issues. Proactive keeps it just at manageable, but in no way clear. Maybe I will have her try this.
Do we have to used lavender scented witch hazel?
Generation Girls-
Thanks for stopping by! No, you do not have to use Lavender Witch Hazel. That specific product was just something I picked up. I got lavender for the calming aromatic properties. I hope you and your daughter have success with this treatment! I know I've loved it!
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