It was Coen's first time to see snow! So like any good mother I took ZERO pictures of him out in it. Yyyeeaahh. I took pictures of the snow, and video of Coen seeing it for the first time, but not the two combined.
Sometimes my brain doesn't work.
So that makes me a little bit sad, but it's OK. Apparently there may be more snow in the forecast for this weekend! Fingers crossed!!
If I ever upload my videos from my camera I'll post the footage I shot here. Don't hold your breath though. ;)
Wow, we haven't had snow in Michigan yet! Although, it wouldn't be Jack's first snow, we had about 20 feet of snow last year here. not that he knew anything.
20 FEET!?!?! I can't even imagine that!!
I exaggerate. :) I really don't know how much we had, but it was a LOT!
HAHA! I totally believed you, of course! Shows you how much I know about snow!! :P
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