This Saturday Daniel, Coen and I took a trip down to A&M for a football game! Mom and Dad have season tickets and, lucky for us, they weren't able to make it to this one so we got to go in their place! I was soooo excited all week. I went shopping to make sure we all had something warm and maroon to wear!
It wasn't my first Aggie game. I had seen them once before when I was a kiddo when they played at TCU. My sisters and I sat DIRECTLY behind the band. Literally, I remember us passing out TicTac's to the tuba players. :) We wore the pages out of the A&M "brochure book", learned all of the yells and watched the Fightin' Aggie Marching Band with our mouths hanging open. We gabbed the whole way home about going to A&M when we got older.
Well, some things don't work out like they should. Fifteen years later I'm truckin' it out to College Station for the first time ever with my hubby of six years, my one year old son and my Associates in Science from WC. It was going to be a good weekend.
I'm not gonna lie. I kinda started hyperventilating when I saw Kyle Field and I almost cried when I got out of the car and could hear "Farmers Fight!" loud and clear from three blocks away. Then, I almost lost control when it started raining. Coen has an ear infection and it was too wet and cold for me to hike it to the stadium knowing full well we would be soaked when we got there. I got back in the car with a very bad attitude, a very short temper and a foul mouth. Not my finest hour. The floodgates should have opened right then. Everything that could have gone wrong should have. That's what I deserved. Serves me right for being a completely self absorbed ninny.
God is good, however.
It stopped raining, and by the time we got to the stadium the clouds parted and the sun was shining. I couldn't believe it. It was the equivalent of being a jerk to the AT&T representative and then realizing, mid "I'm going to cancel my phone service"-rant, that I've misread my bill. Oops. Sorry about that.
So, we had a wonderful time. The stadium was packed and Coen behaved like an angel. The Aggies beat Baylor, we got to see the record breaking 97 yard touch down and took some great pictures. Daniel said it was they single best football game he had ever been to. I'll never forget it!
He cried when the Aggies made a touchdown. Baylor fan maybe? :)
The picture of him crying cracks me up for some reason. He's not a Baylor fan, he just needs a girlfriend to kiss when the Aggies score. That's why he is upset. Come on Amy... find your 1 year old a girlfriend ASAP! haha
I am SO jealous!! I wish I could have seen the Aggies beat up on Baylor!! Gig'em!!
Next up tu. :/
My parents are abandoning us on Thanksgiving for that game. It had better be worth it! :D
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