Daniel brought home a beautiful bouquet of flowers on Friday. So pretty!!
On Saturday I decided to kick of Mother's Day weekend by making this awesome roast. I was so proud of it! Look at those killer veggies! I seared this thing and seasoned it like it was my last meal. Hoorah!
Sunday was extra special because Coen was dedicated at church! He was actually supposed to be dedicated last week, but there were so many babies we were asked to switch to another date. No skin off my nose. Turns out the week we were having it done was also Mother's Day! "The last shall be first" totally applied here. My whole family was able to be there which was special too! Here we are after church. Coen is trying to eat the carnation I was given.
So as it turns out Mother's Day doesn't make your baby not wake up at six in the morning. It doesn't make your pre-pregnancy pants fit. It doesn't keep your special roast from turning out too dry and special veggies too salty. It doesn't keep you from being late to church on the day your son is being dedicated. Turns out it's the same as every other day. But it does remind you of what you signed up for when you decided to become a mom. It reminds you of how lucky you are to be a mommy of a healthy happy baby. It reminds you of how it all goes by way too fast. And it reminds you of how much you owe your mom. How every Mother's Day wasn't magical for her either, just because you picked a card with glitter or got excited for her for a few hours on her special day.
So, Happy Mother's Day mommies of the world. A special Happy Mother's Day to my mom. Turns out she's a great grandmother too. Thank you for every day you worked hard and let me be a carefree kiddo. I didn't know to appreciate it then, but I sure know now.
"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Prov. 31:29
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